Moulin du Calanquet : tree cutting began

Jean-Pierre Brun and his staff began to cut the 6.000 olive trees of the Moulin du Calanquet. The tree trimming is very useful to increase production, limit rotation, curb the effects of the ageing process and eliminate all unnecessary wood.

The cutting is done after periods of risk and cold, this is therefore a key operation carried out in spring


Shape pruning for young olive tree 

Step 1 : untill the tree is not 1m50 in height, it must thus not be pruned. To support future growth, pay particular attention to the following : shaping in mono tree trunk, removing lower branches, keeping central stem.


Step 2 : when the tree exceeds 1m50 in height, shaping pruning is carried out. We select 5 scaffold branches with removing the central stem from the very first beginning of a main branche.


Pruning and maintenance of olive groves

In terms of annual pruning and maintenance of olive trees, 4 elements are crucial to growth :


Lght : ensure that entire foliage must be exposed to direct sunlight.


Connection between leaves & wood : leaf is critical for well-being of tree. The leaf of a tree has a 3 years duration. It will be necessary to do more to encourage the creation of foliage removing older wood.


Ventilation : distributing fresh air troughout the foliage, in order to prevent formation of densely foliaged trees.


Connection leaves & roots : balance of different rythms of olive trees is given through the roots (mineral feeding) and the leaves (carbon feeding). Pruning encourages growth. Harsh pruning causes overgrowth and lower production.


Regeneration pruning

Pruning done to tree after a long period of neglect. The aim is the creation of new branches. Harsh pruning will be very useful for olive tree.


The Moulin du Calanquet at SIAL Paris 2024: A showcase of olive oil innovation

Discover Moulin du Calanquet’s olive oils at SIAL Paris 2024, from October 19 to 23. Visit us at stand MN009 in Hall 5A to taste our products.

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